Canned crushed tomato Recipes
50 results
- Cauliflower curry with panch phoronswarnavadlamani
- Gigi Hadid's spicy vodka pastaChristian Ruß
- Christian’s Chili con carneChristian Ruß
- Chickpea pasta salad with eggplant and pomegranateHanna Reder
- Parmigiana di melanzane (Eggplant Parmesan)elly
- Lentil Dahladavis
- Cheesy zucchini and bell pepper pasta bakeMmary-linh
- Albondigas (Spanish meatballs)Diana
- Simple tomato sauceDevan Grimsrud
- Sweet potato and broccoli curryshadyst
- Middle Eastern-Style Beef ChiliEncore & More
- Grandma’s pizzaKevin
- Homemade Butter ChickenAna
- Mussel pastaChristian Ruß
- Paellanatwhiley
- Vegetable lasagna with fennel, zucchini, and mushroomsccb
- Underbudget fajitasmay
- Cauliflower curryInga Sinkeviciute Koženiauskiene
- Lasagna alla Kitchen StoriesEElsje
- Veggie LasagnaKatja Schumacher
- Vegetarian Lentil Tortilla SoupKkal
- Shakshuka Avocado ToastQ
- Gnocchi with chicken, tomato and vegetablesMelissa Gaffney
- Chicken curryInga Sinkeviciute Koženiauskiene