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Community Collection: The Breakfast Issue

Community Collection: The Breakfast Issue

How our community starts the day

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Andreas Strauch

Andreas Strauch

Community member

This article is part of our monthly issue "The Breakfast Issue," an all-you-can eat celebration of one of our favorite meals. All month long, we'll share tasty new recipes, fun ideas to entertain you at home, tips for better prep, and great starts for days to come! Check out this link to find an overview of all our weekly topics, stories, and recipes—and don't forget to follow us on Instagram for behind the scenes, extras, and more!

You know the saying that you should eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper? Well, given the impressive selection of delicious breakfast recipes from all of you, our community, it appears this wisdom rings true! Whether it's healthy grain bowls, sweet pastries, savory egg dishes, or a fun take on classic granola, there’s a breakfast recipe here for everyone!

Decadent Club Sandwich

Decadent Club Sandwich

Eggs with garlic yogurt

Eggs with garlic yogurt

Summer overnight oats

Summer overnight oats

Quick healthy breakfast

Quick healthy breakfast

Easy and Delicious Eggless French Toast

Easy and Delicious Eggless French Toast

Easy Scones for a cozy weekend

Easy Scones for a cozy weekend

Chocolate and malt pancakes

Chocolate and malt pancakes

Vegan Banana Pancakes

Vegan Banana Pancakes

Protein Granola

Protein Granola

Green smoothie bowl

Green smoothie bowl

Loaded BLT(OE)

Loaded BLT(OE)

Breakfast enchilada casserole

Breakfast enchilada casserole

What’s your favorite breakfast recipe? Let us know in the comments or upload your recipe via our app and share it with the whole community! Learn how to make your recipe a star with this guide.

Published on February 13, 2021

More delicious ideas for you

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