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5 Recipes for Cheese Lovers

5 Recipes for Cheese Lovers

Calling all turophiles!

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Edam, Cheddar, Brie, Butterkäse, Camembert, and Gouda are just a few of the world’s most famous cheeses. While cheese isn’t an integral part of gastronomy in Asia, it’s an undeniable staple in most of the Western world. The origins of cheese can be traced to the Mesolithic period, circa 9500 BC. Since then, approximately 5,000 different varieties of cheese have been cultivated worldwide. That’s a lot of cheese—and it’d take you a lifetime to sample all of them. Not that we’d ever discourage such an endeavor, but it’s always best to set reasonable goals. Instead of accumulating a list of cheeses to enjoy that’s the size of a phone book, why not simply start with the five different varieties found in the recipes below?

Oven ratatouille with feta

Oven ratatouille with feta

Feta’s light, crumbly texture makes it versatile and adaptable to a number of different dishes. It pairs beautifully with the assortment of fresh vegetables and herbs in this ratatouille.

Light strawberry and asparagus salad

Light strawberry and asparagus salad

The asparagus and strawberries clearly play the main role in this salad, but the Parmesan adds a subtle hint of irresistible flavor that is nutty and sharp. This light and refreshing salad is our favorite for warm spring days.

Creamy goat cheese and a medley of fresh summer vegetables come together in perfect harmony in this outstanding terrine.

Cheese spätzle with fried onions

Cheese spätzle with fried onions

If you like cheese, you cannot ignore this classic of traditional Alpine cuisine. And do not skimp on the cheese. Here, for once, less is most definitely not more.

Mini cheesecakes with grapefruit

Mini cheesecakes with grapefruit

One of cheese’s finer qualities: it can double as dessert. After having satisfied your salty cravings with the above dishes, you owe it to yourself to cleanse your palate with this creamy, pleasantly tart mini cheesecake.

Published on May 14, 2016

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