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5 Swimmingly Easy Salmon Dishes

5 Swimmingly Easy Salmon Dishes

No need to swim against the stream!

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Salmon is such a great fish, with loads of flavor and completely versatile in where you take it on the culinary map. Here are 5 dishes that highlight salmon in all its goodness:

Baked penne with salmon and leeks

Baked penne with salmon and leeks

Salmon and vegetables in parchment

Salmon and vegetables in parchment

Seared salmon on baby leaf salad

Seared salmon on baby leaf salad

Blinis with two toppings

Blinis with two toppings

I especially love Teriyaki salmon with its perfect balance of sweet and salty flavors. Just make sure to not overcook the salmon, it should be pink on the inside and perfectly flaky!

Published on December 15, 2015

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