AGLIO E OLIO with tomatoes

AGLIO E OLIO with tomatoes

2 Bewertungen
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„I love this italien classic so much. I added the tomatoes to the classic recipe to bring some color and sweet flavor. Do you like it?:) Try out my "aglio e olio - summer special" on a sunny day. It is surprisingly fresh and the perfect match to a glass of rosé wine:) Or are you looking for something new?:) My "aglio e olio - hipster special" is a modern interpretation of the classic recipe. Enjoy and let me know which one you like the most:)“
Einfach 👌
25 Min.
0 Min.
0 Min.


5 Zehen
100 ml
Nur in Deutschland verfügbar


1 Messer, 1 Schneidebrett, 1 Pfanne (groß, mit Deckel), 1 Kochlöffel, 1 Topf (groß, mit Deckel), Suppenkelle

  • Schritte 1/6

    Halve all the cherry tomatoes and chop the chili* & garlic finely. *You can use any type of chili you like as well as the amount of chili. I do not want to recommend neither the amount nor the type of chili, cause the differences can be huge:)
    • 100 g Kirschtomaten
    • 1 Chili
    • 5 Zehen Knoblauch
    • 1 Messer
    • 1 Schneidebrett

    Halve all the cherry tomatoes and chop the chili* & garlic finely. *You can use any type of chili you like as well as the amount of chili. I do not want to recommend neither the amount nor the type of chili, cause the differences can be huge:)

  • Schritte 2/6

    Put the olive oil, garlic and chili in a large pan and let the mixture soak for a couple of minutes.
I recommend at least 5 minutes. The longer it soakes the more taste you get:)
    • 1 Pfanne (groß, mit Deckel)

    Put the olive oil, garlic and chili in a large pan and let the mixture soak for a couple of minutes. I recommend at least 5 minutes. The longer it soakes the more taste you get:)

  • Schritte 3/6

    Then place the pan with the oil-chili-garlic mixture on low heat for about 10 minutes, stirring every now and then. Make sure the garlic does not get brown. Season with 1/2 teaspoon of salt. 
In the mean time bring a large pot of salted water to boil.
    • 100 ml Olivenöl
    • 1 Kochlöffel
    • 1 Topf (groß, mit Deckel)

    Then place the pan with the oil-chili-garlic mixture on low heat for about 10 minutes, stirring every now and then. Make sure the garlic does not get brown. Season with 1/2 teaspoon of salt. In the mean time bring a large pot of salted water to boil.

  • Schritte 4/6

    Cook the spaghetti until al dente (according to package instructions) and add the cherry tomatoes to the chili-garlic mix.
    • 200 g Spaghetti

    Cook the spaghetti until al dente (according to package instructions) and add the cherry tomatoes to the chili-garlic mix.

  • Schritte 5/6

    Right before the pasta ist ready, use a big soup ladle to transfer some of the salted pasta-water to the pan (approx. 1-2 times). Stir in the water and put the pan on high heat to reduce the liquid.
    • Suppenkelle

    Right before the pasta ist ready, use a big soup ladle to transfer some of the salted pasta-water to the pan (approx. 1-2 times). Stir in the water and put the pan on high heat to reduce the liquid.

  • Schritte 6/6

    Add the spaghetti to the pig pan and mix well. Season with a good grind of salt and pepper. Enjoy:)

To give your Aglio e Olio that little bit of extra, check out my recipe "Aglio e olio - Summer special"
    • Salz
    • Pfeffer

    Add the spaghetti to the pig pan and mix well. Season with a good grind of salt and pepper. Enjoy:) To give your Aglio e Olio that little bit of extra, check out my recipe "Aglio e olio - Summer special"

  • Guten Appetit!

    AGLIO E OLIO with tomatoes


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