Neapolitan potatoes pasta

Neapolitan potatoes pasta

Based on 1 ratings
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"Traditional Neapolitan potatoes pasta, good for the winter time and if you have short pasta to finish. Not the easiest pasta but it’s definitely worth it."
Medium 👍
15 min
45 min
0 min


60 g
60 g
60 g
½ clove
700 cl
120 g
Short pasta
extra-virgin olive oil
60 g
Provola cheese
  • Step 1/7

    Finely chop onions, celery, carrots and the garlic, in order to prepare the Italian “soffritto”
    • 60 g carrots
    • 60 g celery
    • 60 g onions
    • ½ clove garlic

    Finely chop onions, celery, carrots and the garlic, in order to prepare the Italian “soffritto”

  • Step 2/7

    Put a few spoons of extra-virgin olive oil in a tall pot, with the soffritto and the pancetta. Stir and let it cook at low heat – at least 10 minutes – with continuous stiring so it doesn’t burn, until lucid
    • 60 g pancetta
    • extra-virgin olive oil

    Put a few spoons of extra-virgin olive oil in a tall pot, with the soffritto and the pancetta. Stir and let it cook at low heat – at least 10 minutes – with continuous stiring so it doesn’t burn, until lucid

  • Step 3/7

    After 10 minutes, cut the potatoes in small pieces and add to the soffritto, together with the tomatoes, a pinch of salt and pepper. Stir everything, cover with a lid and cook for 20 minutes at low-mid heat. Be careful to not burn because it’s cooking with no water, potatoes should stick to the pot but not burn, for that you should stir frequently.
    • 350 g potatoes
    • 5 cherry tomatoes
    • salt
    • pepper
    • rosemary

    After 10 minutes, cut the potatoes in small pieces and add to the soffritto, together with the tomatoes, a pinch of salt and pepper. Stir everything, cover with a lid and cook for 20 minutes at low-mid heat. Be careful to not burn because it’s cooking with no water, potatoes should stick to the pot but not burn, for that you should stir frequently.

  • Step 4/7

    • 700 cl water

    Add the water and let it cook for another 20 to 25 minutes on mid/high heat with the lid. Always stiring so nothing get burned, if you need more water feel free to put it as needed

  • Step 5/7

    • 120 g Short pasta

    Bring water to boiling, add salt and put the pasta in the water, let it cook for the cooking time on the pasta box

  • Step 6/7

    When the pasta is ready, remove from the heat and add Parmesan cheese and the provola. Stir everything until melting
    • 60 g Provola cheese
    • Parmesan cheese

    When the pasta is ready, remove from the heat and add Parmesan cheese and the provola. Stir everything until melting

  • Step 7/7

    Serve it and enjoy with some pepper and Parmesan cheese on top!

    Serve it and enjoy with some pepper and Parmesan cheese on top!

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Neapolitan potatoes pasta


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