Beet Wellington

Beet Wellington

Based on 1 ratings
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"Chef Maurice Farmer Created this idea for Vegans. Most people don’t don’t like beets so bye added these amazing flavors it makes it a delicious vegan dish ... "
Medium 👍
30 min
90 min
10 min


4 cobs
red beets
¼ cup
1 clove
1 tbsp
2 tbsp
unsalted butter
1 lb
puff pastry sheet
3 tbsp
olive oil
1 drop
3 tbsp
sea salt
¼ cup
¼ cup
2 pinches
8 cloves
1 tsp
sherry vinegar
1 tbsp
canola oil
3 cloves
White Onion
  • Step 1/8

    • 4 cobs red beets
    • 1 lb shiitake mushroom
    • ¼ cup shallot
    • 1 clove garlic
    • 1 tbsp parsley
    • 2 tbsp unsalted butter
    • 1 lb puff pastry sheet
    • 3 tbsp olive oil
    • 1 drop egg
    • 3 tbsp sea salt

    Preheat an oven to 375 degrees. Clean beets under running water to remove any dirt or grit and dry thoroughly. Coat each beet with olive oil and salt, and wrap in aluminum foil. Place beets in the oven for approximately 1 hour or until the beets are tender and can easily be pierced with a paring knife or skewer. While the beets are still warm, remove the skin and reserve until needed. Place the mushrooms in a food processer and finely chop. Over medium heat add butter to a large sauté pan and

  • Step 2/8

    and sweat the mushrooms, shallots and garlic with a pinch of salt until the mushrooms release their liquid. Cook until all of the liquid has completely evaporated, about 10 minutes. Add the parsley and adjust the seasoning with salt to taste. Cool and reserve in the refrigerator until needed. Heat oven to 425 degrees. To form the Wellingtons, begin by bringing a medium pot of salted water to a rolling boil. Blanch the beet greens for 20 seconds until wilted.

  • Step 3/8

    Remove the greens from the water and dry on paper towels. Cut the puff pastry sheets into four separate ‘6-‘8 squares, and make several small indentations in the dough with a fork. This will prevent the dough from rising too much in the oven. Place the dry beet greens on top of the dough and cover with a thin layer of the mushroom mixture, about an 1/8 inch. Put one beet in the center of each sheet of dough and lift each corner to wrap the beet completely in puff pastry.

  • Step 4/8

    Brush the Wellingtons with the beaten egg and place on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil. Bake for 30-40 until the puff pastry is golden-brown and the center of the beets are warm.

  • Step 5/8

    • ¼ cup butter
    • ¼ cup water
    • 2 pinches salt
    • 3 cloves White Onion

    Creamed Onions: Ingredients: 3 medium onions, sliced thinly ¼ cup unsalted butter, cut into small pieces ¼ cup water Kosher salt 
Directions: Place all ingredients and a pinch of salt into a medium sauce pan and bring to a low simmer. Cook at a low heat until the butter and water are reduced to a silky sauce and the onions are tender, about 1 hour.

  • Step 6/8

    • 8 cloves garlic
    • 1 tsp sherry vinegar
    • 1 tbsp canola oil

    Charred Garlic Scapes Ingredients: 8-10 whole garlic scapes 1 Tbs canola or vegetable oil 1 tsp red wine or sherry vinegar Salt

  • Step 7/8

    Directions: Place a large sauté pan over medium-high heat and coat the bottom of the pan with the oil. When the oil is very hot, place the garlic scapes in the pan and cook for 1 minute without touching them.

  • Step 8/8

    After 1 minute, shake the pan and cook for another minute until the garlic scapes are browned yet retain a slight crunch. Remove the scapes from the pan and season with the vinegar and salt. To serve, slice each Wellington in half and place a large spoonful of the creamed onions on top. Top with charred garlic scapes and a few small leaves of parsley. Serve warm.

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Beet Wellington



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