tomahawk, cowboy or ottoman steak
Community member
baking sheet, aluminum foil
Step 1/5
- 1 tomahawk steak
- 1 pinch Himalayan salt
- 1 package rosemary
- 10 cloves garlic
- baking sheet
keep steak at room temperature for 1 hour sprinkle generously with salt. Then place the steak in a large baking sheet together with garlic cloves and rosemary branches (if not available use dried rosemary)
Step 2/5
- aluminum foil
cover the steak well inside the baking sheet and staple the sheet around to seal it then cover with aluminum foil. Bakeiin the over on 150 deg c for 45 mins.
Step 3/5
open the sheet and aluminum foil keep the renderings in the side for use as a saucem
Step 4/5
place in cast iron and sear on charcoal or oven top.
Step 5/5
slice and dip in rendering sauce.
Enjoy your meal!