Sour Dough (red fyfe)
Step 1/12
Bring starter to temp of 25° (remove from refrigerator, feed and place inside of your oven, turned OFF, but with the light on 24 hours before use)
Step 2/12
- 1000 g water (warm)
- 1600 g flour
MORNING: Reserve 50g of warm water for later. Combine the remaining water with the flour and let sit for 1 hour in a warm place.
Step 3/12
- 640 g sourdough starter
- 20 g sea salt
Add salt, reserved water, and levain to your already mixed flour & water and mix thoroughly
Step 4/12
Dough temp should be above 25°. Stretch/fold/knead 3x in 30 min intervals.
Step 5/12
Cover dough and let sit at a warm temp for 2-3 hours
Step 6/12
Lightly flour work surface and dump out dough. Divide the dough into two halves. Lightly flour your other hand and using both a kitchen scraper (optional) and your hand turn each half of dough on the counter while lightly pulling the dough towards you. (forming a round circle). Let the dough rest for 25 minutes, uncovered.
Step 7/12
Shape and transfer to banneton with seam side facing up. Cover with plastic to keep moisture in and seal with an elastic band. Refrigerate overnight.
Step 8/12
Put your Dutch Oven or Pyrex bowl with lid inside oven and begin preheat for 1/2 hour at 450°
Step 9/12
Place on parchment paper and score (cut a pattern)
Step 10/12
Mist lightly with water. Place in hot Dutch oven with the lid on for 20 minutes
Step 11/12
Remove lid and bake for 30 mins uncovered/until internal temperature registers over 208°F.
Step 12/12
Let cool on a wire rack
Enjoy your meal!