3 spatulas
Step 1/5
- spatula
Chop garlic and onion up add to frying pan with olive oil to medium high heat
Step 2/5
- œ onion (for frying)
- œ chorizo (for frying)
- œ red bell pepper (for frying)
- 1 garlic (for frying)
- spatula
When onion and garlic is starting to brown or smells choice add the chopped red peppers and chorizo sausage. Stir occasionally
Step 3/5
- 3 tomatoes (for frying)
- cilantro
- spatula
When the chorizo starts to cook add the 6 chopped tomatoes and adjust the heat a little higher. When the tomatoes slowly start becoming a sauce, add one head of chopped coriander. Stir occasionally.
Step 4/5
- 2 eggs (for serving)
After ingredient have become a sauce, lower heat to simmer. Make 4 small pockets in the and crack an egg in each. Cover with lid for 1 minute. Check frequently that eggs do not overcook.
Step 5/5
When eggs are cooked (to your preference) scoop out a portion of the sauce and egg with either naan or roasted potatoes. Garnish with cilantro and enjoy!
Enjoy your meal!