pastel goreng
bowl, noodle maker, frying pan
Step 1/4
- 450 g plain flour
- 340 g margarine
- bowl
- noodle maker
mix flour and margarine until it doughy
Step 2/4
- 1 carrot
- 1 potatoe
- 1 rice noodle
- 1 cooked chicken
- 2 tbsp salt
- 2 white pepper
put rice noodle with boiled water, chopped carrot, potatoes as big as lentil then add in one pan with little oil, add salt and pepper
Step 3/4
make a round dough each about 1,5 cm wide and 7 cm diameter (with the recipe it will make 10 pieces)
Step 4/4
- frying pan
add the filling to the flat round dough. and leave it cooling minimum 1 hour in the fridge before we fried into hot oil minimum 2 minutes each sides. we can also put it in the freezer for another time.
Enjoy your meal!