Mini Sweet Potato tart
Step 1/8
- ⅛ lb flour
- ⅛ tsp salt
- ⅝ oz water
First we gonna make the crust and it's the same crust we use in pastel de nata,the first four ingredients are for the crust, mix flour, salt and water together until it's well incorporate and don't over mix it. "we will use a lot of flour while rolling it" dust the table with flour put the dough on it and cover it well with flour and let the dough rest for 10 mins
Step 2/8
now dust the table with extra flour and roll it to a roughly 40/40 cm square. now push all the extra flour on the dough and start to spread around 1/3 maybe less the butter amount on 2/3 of the dough horizontally after that fold the third with no butter over the second third and fold the third 1/3 over. turn the the dough 90 degree and repeat this step one more time
Step 3/8
now roll the dough into a rough 40/50 cm rectangle and spread the rest butter on all the dough. start rolling the dough into roll from the 40 cm side after having a roll give it a gentle back and forth roll and cover it with plastic wrap and put it in the fridge for at least 1 1/2hour or in the freezer until it's firm and easy to cut
Step 4/8
now for the sweet potato you can cook it in the oven or steam it I prefer to steam it until very soft after cooking let it cool to room temperature or a bit warm and peel it
Step 5/8
pre heat the oven at 200° c
Step 6/8
- ⅛ cup sugar
- ⅛ cup whole milk
- ⅛ eggs
- ⅛ tbsp flour
- ⅛ lemon
- ⅛ tsp vanilla bean paste
- ⅛ tsp ground cinnamon
- ⅛ tsp ground cloves
- ⅛ tsp ground ginger
- ⅛ cup butter
with a hand whisk or electric mixer mix and mash the sweet potato until well mashed and smooth then add the sugar and milk and mix to incorporate well add the eggs one by one. add the flour, lemon and all the spices and vanilla and mix mix mix . at the end add the melted butter and mix well
Step 7/8
back to the crust cut the dough roll into 24 pieces around 3/4 inch thickness . put one piece in each hole of a muffin tin and shape the dough into the holes
Step 8/8
fill the sweet potato mix into the dough and bake it for 25 mins or until you have a beautiful brown crust .after baking let it cool for 30 mins and enjoy the Sweetness
Enjoy your meal!