Loaded Chocolate Muffins

Loaded Chocolate Muffins

Based on 2 ratings
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"Based around a simple plain muffin recipe I found in a book, these muffins are STUFFED with chocolate chips. You can take out the cocoa powder and replace the chocolate chips with fruit for a healthier alternative! Enjoy 💖"
Easy 👌
30 min
30 min
0 min


41⅔ ml
vegetable oil
83⅓ ml
116⅔ g
baking powder
83⅓ g
caster sugar


muffin tin, muffin liner, whisk, bowl, hand mixer with beaters (optional), stand mixer with whisk (optional), hand mixer with beaters, sieve

  • Step 1/7

    Line a large muffin tin with tulip cases. That’s it! A picture of the case is provided!
    • muffin tin
    • muffin liner

    Line a large muffin tin with tulip cases. That’s it! A picture of the case is provided!

  • Step 2/7

    Crack the eggs into a large bowl and beat them with a whisk for 1 min. Then, add the milk and oil and mix with a mixer until just combined!
    • 41⅔ ml vegetable oil
    • 83⅓ ml milk
    • eggs
    • whisk
    • bowl
    • hand mixer with beaters (optional)
    • stand mixer with whisk (optional)

    Crack the eggs into a large bowl and beat them with a whisk for 1 min. Then, add the milk and oil and mix with a mixer until just combined!

  • Step 3/7

    Add the sugar and mix until smooth. Then, add the cocoa powder, flour and baking power and mix until a better forms!
    • 116⅔ g flour
    • tsp baking powder
    • 83⅓ g caster sugar
    • pinch salt
    • 16⅔ g unsweetened cocoa powder
    • hand mixer with beaters
    • sieve

    Add the sugar and mix until smooth. Then, add the cocoa powder, flour and baking power and mix until a better forms!

  • Step 4/7

    SECRET STEP! To make the chocolate chips rise to the top of the muffins, coat them in flour to help them rise!
    • 50 g chocolate chips

    SECRET STEP! To make the chocolate chips rise to the top of the muffins, coat them in flour to help them rise!

  • Step 5/7

    Add the flour-coated chocolate chips into the batter and fold them in. Don’t overmix or you will get tough muffins. NOONE LIKES A TOUGH MUFFIN!

  • Step 6/7

    Divide the mixture between the 6 cases and bake them in the oven at 200/180c fan for approximately 30 mins. They should rise up and if a knife is inserted, it should come out clean when they are done!

    Divide the mixture between the 6 cases and bake them in the oven at 200/180c fan for approximately 30 mins. They should rise up and if a knife is inserted, it should come out clean when they are done!

  • Step 7/7

    Take the muffins out of the oven and allow them to cool for 15 mins. Then, enjoy the massive muffins! Too good for sharing! :P

    Take the muffins out of the oven and allow them to cool for 15 mins. Then, enjoy the massive muffins! Too good for sharing! :P

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Loaded Chocolate Muffins



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