Iranian streetfood " Jaghoor Baghoor "

Iranian streetfood " Jaghoor Baghoor "

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"It's a common street food in Iran, specially in Shiraz and Zanjan cities. You can usually find this food in old Bazaar or city center, but it's beloved in home cooking too. Use fresh liver and tomato for the best result. I personally like this food a bit sour, therefor I use so much lime juice or fresh Narenj from my Grandma's garden in Tehran."
Easy 👌
10 min
30 min
0 min


200 g
Lamb liver
onion (big)
13⅓ ml
lime juice
  • Step 1/4

    Chop rhe onions into quarter rings, also lamb's liver, potatoes and tomatos into 2cm cubes separately.

  • Step 2/4

    Fry the potatoes until completely fried. In another pan fry the onions till golden. Add liver and cook in high heat while stirring. Liver cooks relatively fast so be careful. After there is no water in the mix, add tomatos and stirr a bit.

  • Step 3/4

    Add lime juice, salt and pepper. Taste the mix until it's your desired sour. When tomatos are starting to melt, add the fried potatoes and mix a bit.

  • Step 4/4

    Serve with fresh Lavash bread and lime. Enjoy

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Iranian streetfood " Jaghoor Baghoor "


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