Double Chocolate Banana Bread

Double Chocolate Banana Bread

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Elianne Hala

Elianne Hala

Community member

Easy 👌
10 min
55 min
0 min


all-purpose flour
baking soda
¼ cups
ripe bananas (mashed)
unsalted butter (melted)
vegetable oil
semi-sweet chocolate chip
semi-sweet chocolate chip
  • Step 1/8

    Start by preheating your oven to 350°F/180°C. Prep a 9x5 inch loaf pan by greasing it with butter, a little oil, or nonstick cooking spray and set it aside.

  • Step 2/8

    • cup all-purpose flour
    • cup unsweetened cocoa powder
    • tsp baking soda
    • tsp salt

    Next, mix together the dry ingredients. Combine flour, cocoa, baking soda, and salt. Then move on to the wet ingredients.

  • Step 3/8

    • cup honey
    • cup unsalted butter (melted)
    • cup vegetable oil
    • egg
    • tsp vanilla extract
    • ¼ cups ripe bananas (mashed)

    Mash the bananas, either with a fork or with the mixer. Add the honey till slightly combined. Then add butter and oil till combined. Stir in the egg and vanilla extract till the mixture is all combined and smooth. Next, add the wet and dry ingredients together.

  • Step 4/8

    • cup semi-sweet chocolate chip

    Add in the dry ingredients, not all at once. Stir in little by little, but be careful not to overdo the mixing. Stir in 3/4 of the chocolate chips and save the remaining.

  • Step 5/8

    • cup semi-sweet chocolate chip

    Pour the batter into the prepared pan and use the remaining chocolate chips by adding them to the top go the cake before placing it in the oven.

  • Step 6/8

    Bake for 50-60 minutes, check the cake around 50-55 minutes since ovens may vary. When checking the bread with a toothpick, keep in mind the batter is stuffed with chocolate chips in case you get a lot of chocolate on the toothpick. Remove bread when the toothpick comes out clean.

    Bake for 50-60 minutes, check the cake around 50-55 minutes since ovens may vary. When checking the bread with a toothpick, keep in mind the batter is stuffed with chocolate chips in case you get a lot of chocolate on the toothpick. Remove bread when the toothpick comes out clean.

  • Step 7/8

    Let the pan cool on a wire rack or 15-20 minutes. Make sure no edges of the bread are stuck to the pan.

  • Step 8/8

    Remove from pan and let cool on the wire rack. Serve when completely cooled.

    Remove from pan and let cool on the wire rack. Serve when completely cooled.

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Double Chocolate Banana Bread


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