Coffee Bean Cookies
Step 1/8
- 4â g flour
- ½ g Cocoa Powder
- â g Cornstarch
Sift dry ingredients
Step 2/8
- Âź g instant coffee powder
- â g Hot water
Make coffee
Step 3/8
Mix in butter confectioners sugar egg yolk and coffee
Step 4/8
Add the mixture to the dry ingredients and fold then knead for one minute once dough forms
Step 5/8
Make the cookies into small balls let it rest in the refrigerator for 10 minutes
Step 6/8
Preheat oven at 350
Step 7/8
Make small indenting to give it the coffee bean appearance and sling them in a sheet and bake for 15 minutes
Step 8/8
Take out the cookies and let it rest for 5 minutes