Chocolate-dipped banana granola bars

Chocolate-dipped banana granola bars

Based on 4 ratings
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Hanna Reder

Hanna Reder

Test Kitchen Manager and Chef at Kitchen Stories
"Based on an iconic granola bar with a nice banana flavor and chocolate finish that’s well loved in Germany, these homemade ones are in your full control in terms of sweetness and other additions."
Easy 👌
30 min
0 min
60 min


7⅛ g
dried bananas
7⅛ g
unsweetened cornflakes
7⅛ g
puffed quinoa
8⅝ g
14¼ g
rice syrup
7⅛ g
coconut oil


freezer bag, rolling pin, bowl, wooden spoon, saucepan, parchment paper, baking dish (11x7 in.), heatproof bowl, pot, cutting board, knife, tongs

Nutrition per serving

Fat15 g
Protein6 g
Carb28 g
  • Step 1/4

    Transfer dried bananas and cornflakes to a resealable bag. Seal, removing as much air as possible, then crush everything until quite small with a rolling pin (you could also use a food processor). Transfer to a bowl with oats and puffed quinoa and mix to combine.
    • 7⅛ g dried bananas
    • 7⅛ g unsweetened cornflakes
    • 21⅜ g rolled oats
    • 7⅛ g puffed quinoa
    • freezer bag
    • rolling pin
    • bowl
    • wooden spoon

    Transfer dried bananas and cornflakes to a resealable bag. Seal, removing as much air as possible, then crush everything until quite small with a rolling pin (you could also use a food processor). Transfer to a bowl with oats and puffed quinoa and mix to combine.

  • Step 2/4

    Transfer peanut butter, honey, rice syrup, vanilla extract, coconut oil, and salt to a small saucepan. Heat over low, then let simmer for approx. 3 min.
    • 21⅜ g creamy peanut butter
    • 8⅝ g honey
    • 14¼ g rice syrup
    • tsp vanilla extract
    • 7⅛ g coconut oil
    • tsp salt
    • saucepan

    Transfer peanut butter, honey, rice syrup, vanilla extract, coconut oil, and salt to a small saucepan. Heat over low, then let simmer for approx. 3 min.

  • Step 3/4

    Add the hot peanut butter mixture to the dry ingredients and mix everything together. Pour into a parchment lined baking dish and press down evenly and very firmly; use the flat bottom of a glass or mug to help you press the mixture down. Freeze for approx. 1 hr. Or chill in the fridge for approx. 1.5 hrs.., or until the mixture is very firm.
    • parchment paper
    • baking dish (11x7 in.)

    Add the hot peanut butter mixture to the dry ingredients and mix everything together. Pour into a parchment lined baking dish and press down evenly and very firmly; use the flat bottom of a glass or mug to help you press the mixture down. Freeze for approx. 1 hr. Or chill in the fridge for approx. 1.5 hrs.., or until the mixture is very firm.

  • Step 4/4

    Melt chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a saucepan with some water in it; the water should be simmering and should not touch the bottom of the bowl. Once the chocolate is melted, remove the chilled granola bars from the baking pan and slice into equal-sized bars. Have a layer of parchment paper set on a work surface. Dip the bottom of each bar in the melted chocolate and place it on the baking paper, chocolate side-down. This is easiest done with tweezers or tongs, but you can use your hands as well. Repeat with all remaining bars. Use a spoon to drizzle the remaining chocolate over the bars. Let everything cool in the fridge until the chocolate has set. Carefully remove bars from baking paper and store in an airtight container. Enjoy!
    • 21⅜ g bittersweet chocolate
    • heatproof bowl
    • pot
    • cutting board
    • knife
    • tongs

    Melt chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a saucepan with some water in it; the water should be simmering and should not touch the bottom of the bowl. Once the chocolate is melted, remove the chilled granola bars from the baking pan and slice into equal-sized bars. Have a layer of parchment paper set on a work surface. Dip the bottom of each bar in the melted chocolate and place it on the baking paper, chocolate side-down. This is easiest done with tweezers or tongs, but you can use your hands as well. Repeat with all remaining bars. Use a spoon to drizzle the remaining chocolate over the bars. Let everything cool in the fridge until the chocolate has set. Carefully remove bars from baking paper and store in an airtight container. Enjoy!

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Chocolate-dipped banana granola bars

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