Chilli Con Carne
Step 1/11
- 2 Red Hot Chillies
- 2 Cloves Of Garlic
- ½ Small Ginger
- ¼ head Celerey
Deseed the chillies and chop finely, after this is done don't forget to wash your hands. Next finely chop the Garlic, Ginger and 1/2 head of celery and place into different pots as shown
Step 2/11
- 1 pinches Hot Paprika
- 1 pinches Cumin Powder
- ½ pinch Salt
Add the chillies, celery, garlic and ginger into a mixing bowl once in the bowl add your 2tsp of Hot paprika, Cumin Powder and 1 pinch of salt and mix it all together.
Step 3/11
Once all mixed in add a knob of butter and some olive oil to a frying pan and tip the mixture in and fry until it smells right you will know when it does.
Step 4/11
Once your all done frying the mixture, drop it into 150ml of cold water soon as you take it off the heat and mix it all together and then set this off to the side.
Step 5/11
- 250 g Lean Beef Mince
Now for the relaxing bit, add some olive oil to a frying pan and fry the mince adding a handful at a time until all brown through out once you have fried all the mince drain the excess water out and put this to one side.
Step 6/11
- ½ Onion
Once you have done the mince, chop your onion into dice or how ever you like, add some olive oil to the frying pan and fry your onions until transparent not browned.
Step 7/11
Once you have your onions fried add your onions and mince into a big pot and mix together with out heat.
Step 8/11
Now add your special goo you made earlier in the recipe this is where all the flavour comes in and stir with out any heat.
Step 9/11
- 200 g Red Kidney Beans
Make sure you have drained and flushed your red kidney beans and then add them to the pot and stir without any heat.
Step 10/11
- ½ Whole Tube of Tomato Puree
- 200 g Chopped Tomatoes
Now add the tin of chopped tomatoes and also the whole tube of tomato puree and stir until all is mixed in.
Step 11/11
- 2 bags Boil in the bag rice (optional)
Now all is the cooking time, bring to the boil on medium heat and stir every 30 seconds or so for about 5 minutes once its all mixed put the pot on the medium ring of your cooker and turn right down and continue cooking for one hour. and then it will be ready to be served with rice of your choice for the recipe guide we have used boil in the bag 4 portions.
Enjoy your meal!