Chanterelle Risotto

Chanterelle Risotto

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Pedro Amaral

Pedro Amaral

Community member

"A cosy and filling dish full of flavour for any risotto or mushroom lover. Perfect in autumn."
Medium 👍
50 min
0 min
0 min


60 g
chanterelle mushrooms
166⅔ g
risotto rice
33⅓ g
500 ml
vegetable stock
166⅔ ml
white wine
dried thyme
olive oil
  • Step 1/18

    Wash the chanterelle and Brussel sprouts well to remove any dirt.

  • Step 2/18

    Dice the shallot and the garlic clove into very small bits.

  • Step 3/18

    Set aside 30% of the Chanterelle whole to cook with the brussels. Cut the remaining 70% into smaller pieces.

  • Step 4/18

    Cut the Brussels into quarters. Set aside.

  • Step 5/18

    Chop the Parsley leaves finely. set aside.

  • Step 6/18

    • 500 ml vegetable stock

    On a small pan add the vegetable stock and let it come to a soft boil, set to low heat when it does.

  • Step 7/18

    • 33⅓ g butter
    • shallot

    On a deep pan add 25g of butter and let it melt. Add the diced shallot and let it cook for 5 minutes

  • Step 8/18

    • 60 g chanterelle mushrooms
    • salt
    • pepper

    Add the chopped chanterelle, sprinkle with some pepper and salt, mix well and let it cook for another 5 minutes

  • Step 9/18

    • 166⅔ g risotto rice
    • pinch dried thyme

    Add the risotto rice and a pinch of dried Thyme and mixit. Let it cook until the kernels start getting translucent.

  • Step 10/18

    • 166⅔ ml white wine

    Add the white wine and mix well. Let the rice completely absorb the wine

  • Step 11/18

    once the wine has been absorbed by the rice start adding a couple of ladles of the vegetable broth until it completely covers the rice. Mix well.

  • Step 12/18

    once the broth has been absorbed by the rice add another couple of ladles until the rice is covered. Repeat this process, ladle by ladle, until all vegetable stock is used or the rice is al-dente. In the meantime let's prepare the Brussel sprouts.

  • Step 13/18

    • clove garlic
    • tbsp olive oil

    on a frying pan, add some olive oil and the chopped garlic. Let it cook in low heat until it starts to get golden.

  • Step 14/18

    • 10 Brussels sprouts

    Add the Brussel Sprouts to the frying pan, mix with the garlic. Let it cook for 5 minutes.

  • Step 15/18

    • pinch parsley

    Add the 30% of the chanterelle you set aside to the frying pan, mix with the Brussels, add some salt and pepper. Let cook for 5 minutes mixing ocasionally so it doesn't burn. Add the parsley to the mix and sprinkle some extra olive oil if it feels too dry. Let it cook until done (roughly 7-8 minutes). Add a lid to the frying pan so it creates some steam (it will help softening the sprouts)

  • Step 16/18

    • Parmesan cheese (grated)

    When the risotto is cooked turn the heat off. Add the remaining butter and a handful of grated parmesan. Mix well.

  • Step 17/18

    Serve the Risotto on a plate, add the fried Brussel/chanterelle mix on top. Add some extra Parmesan on top.

  • Step 18/18

    enjoy with a glass of red wine!

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Chanterelle Risotto



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