How old are the bananas? The bananabread recipe

How old are the bananas? The bananabread recipe

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„I simply love bananabread. It goes with basically everything and everytime. I sometimes have it for breakfast or desert, sometimes in between and sometimes for a little party. I baked so many bananabreads to find the right recipe. And i think this is it - for me at least:) The key? Very ripe bananas - the ones that are brown and soft - and the apple purée! One last tip: The bread gets better after one or two days - as long as you can resist;) Enjoy and let me know how much you like it!“
Einfach 👌
20 Min.
45 Min.
0 Min.


60 g
Spelt flour
170 g
12 g
Apple puree
Baking powder
1⅝ g
Vanilla sugar
1⅝ g
8 g
Coconut oil
10 ml
Almond milk
Pitted dates
10 g
crunchy Peanut butter
10 g
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1 Pfanne (klein), 2 Schüsseln (groß), 1 Topf (klein), 1 Stabmixer, 1 Gabel, 1 Backform (28x18 cm), 1 Messer

  • Schritte 1/9

    Preheat the oven to 170 degrees celcius, chop the walnuts roughly and roast them slightly (no oil). If you don’t have or like walnuts you can use almonds or any other nuts.
    • 10 g Walnuts
    • 1 Pfanne (klein)

    Preheat the oven to 170 degrees celcius, chop the walnuts roughly and roast them slightly (no oil). If you don’t have or like walnuts you can use almonds or any other nuts.

  • Schritte 2/9

    Mix the flour, baking powder, vanillin sugar, cinnamon, 1/2 tsp of salt and the roasted walnuts/almonds/… in a big bowl.
    • 60 g Spelt flour
    • g Baking powder
    • 1⅝ g Vanilla sugar
    • 1⅝ g Cinnamon
    • 1 Schüssel (groß)

    Mix the flour, baking powder, vanillin sugar, cinnamon, 1/2 tsp of salt and the roasted walnuts/almonds/… in a big bowl.

  • Schritte 3/9

    Melt the coconut oil in a small pot and steer in the fluid coconut oil to the flour-cinnamon mixture.
    • 8 g Coconut oil
    • 1 Topf (klein)

    Melt the coconut oil in a small pot and steer in the fluid coconut oil to the flour-cinnamon mixture.

  • Schritte 4/9

    Put the deseeded dates in a high container together with the almond milk. Use an immersion blender till consistent and smooth.
    • 10 ml Almond milk
    • Pitted dates
    • 1 Stabmixer

    Put the deseeded dates in a high container together with the almond milk. Use an immersion blender till consistent and smooth.

  • Schritte 5/9

    Peel the bananas (save one for later) and smash with a fork. You can leave some banana chunks if you like.
    • 170 g Bananas
    • 1 Schüssel (groß)
    • 1 Gabel

    Peel the bananas (save one for later) and smash with a fork. You can leave some banana chunks if you like.

  • Schritte 6/9

    Mix the smashed bananas, the date-paste and the apple puree and add the mixture to the big bowl. Mix till the flour is worked in completely. Fill a greased loaf pan with the banana dough.
    • 12 g Apple puree
    • 1 Backform (28x18 cm)

    Mix the smashed bananas, the date-paste and the apple puree and add the mixture to the big bowl. Mix till the flour is worked in completely. Fill a greased loaf pan with the banana dough.

  • Schritte 7/9

    Optional: If you want a peanutbutter “heart”: Fill the loaf pan half way and put the peanutbutter on top. And of course can you use as much peanutbutter as you want;) Then fill in the rest of the dough.
    • 10 g crunchy Peanut butter

    Optional: If you want a peanutbutter “heart”: Fill the loaf pan half way and put the peanutbutter on top. And of course can you use as much peanutbutter as you want;) Then fill in the rest of the dough.

  • Schritte 8/9

    Cut the remaining banana lenghtwise and then in half. Then place on top of the dough with light pressure. Bake the bananabread for 45 minutes at 170 degrees celcius.
    • 1 Messer

    Cut the remaining banana lenghtwise and then in half. Then place on top of the dough with light pressure. Bake the bananabread for 45 minutes at 170 degrees celcius.

  • Schritte 9/9

    Take out of the oven and remove from the loaf pan. Leave to cool down. Enjoy:)

    Take out of the oven and remove from the loaf pan. Leave to cool down. Enjoy:)

  • Guten Appetit!

    How old are the bananas? The bananabread recipe


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