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Kitchen Stories App
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The New Kitchen Stories App

The New Kitchen Stories App

We’re bringing you new features and functionality for better everyday cooking

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This fall, Kitchen Stories is celebrating its 10th birthday! Over the years we’ve loved getting to know our community (that’s you!), bringing you the best recipes, features and experience - from our kitchen to yours. And now, we’ve decided it’s time for a little spring (or fall) cleaning and an exciting app refresh.

Do you have any burning questions about the update? You can find all frequently asked questions and answers below this article!

Long story short…

We’re updating our app and bringing you some game-changing new features.

After gathering feedback from the community, we know now better than ever what you need from us. We’ve learned about your cooking habits, how you like to get things done, as well as the things that get in the way of your everyday cooking. Without boring you with the tech-y details, we’re making software changes that will make designing and releasing new functionality faster for our teams, so that we can respond to your needs quicker than ever.

Coming soon to the Kitchen Stories app:

– We understand that you struggle to find recipes for things that you have at home. You have half a head of broccoli or a handful of pine nuts from previous recipes? Let us make some dinner suggestions! Our new leftover search feature will help you find delicious dishes using ingredients you already have at hand.

– We know that everyone’s kitchen is different and that recipes sometimes need adjustments - are you nut-free or looking to cut back on sugar? Or perhaps your oven runs a little hot? You’ll soon be able to keep track of your own cooking notes for each recipe, so they’re ready for you the next time you cook it.

– We want you to save time looking for recipes. Our personalized recommendation system will make finding inspiring recipes for you and adapted to your needs even easier, so that you can spend more time with your loved ones. Meal planning is about to get a whole lot easier!

As you know, good things take time, and there are three existing features that won’t be available on the new app just yet. They need a little more time and will be joining the party down the track.

The shopping list. We received a lot of feedback about how to improve it, and we want to make sure we nail it. Unfortunately, this means this feature will be unavailable until a later stage.

The community recipe creation. This will only be available on the web for now.

The "Recipe of the Day" widget for iOS. The widget is currently unavailable but will return soon. In the meantime, you can simply open your app and look for the "Recipe of the Day" in your app feed."

Exciting times ahead! We can’t wait to show you what’s in store for you. But mostly, we want to hear your thoughts. Let us know what you think and tell us about your cooking experiences. Feel free to leave us a comment here or send us an email at

See you in the kitchen!


How do I access the new features?
Updating the app as soon as available means you’ll have first access to cool new features as they are released. Set your app updates to run automatically, or keep an eye out for the update prompt to make sure you have the newest version as soon as available.

What happens if I don’t update the app?
You’ll miss out on new features, and with time find your functionality will be limited. The old app will no longer be updated and bugs will not be fixed anymore. Sounds less fun, right? We promise the grass really is greener on the other side.

When can we expect the missing features to be added?
The shopping list and the option to upload your own recipes are missing in this release. We don’t have an exact timeline yet but we will inform you as soon as there are any updates. In the meantime, feel free to upload your recipes and view your draft recipes through our website.

Are my own recipes safe?
Yes, every recipe that you ever published is still reachable as it was before. If you are experiencing any issues, get in touch with us.

How can I share feedback, love or complaints?
We would love to hear your feedback! Please do not hesitate to leave a comment here, a review in the app store or to send us an email via If you’re interested, you can also schedule a quick chat with our product team here.

Published on September 4, 2023

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