Red rose pancakes with boiled egg

Red rose pancakes with boiled egg

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Tobun Babatunde

Community member

"This is my favorite recipe which have enjoyed over the years"
Easy 👌
80 min
10 min
5 min


Ÿ cup
whole-grain flour
œ tsp
baking powder
œ oz
baking soda
œ clove
⅔ cup
raw sugar
Œ cup
banana scotch flavour
œ drop
vegetable oil (for frying)
⅔ cup
Red rose food Colouring
⅔ cup
milk powder


whisk,mixing bowls,frying pan, scoop,

  • Step 1/1

    • Ÿ cup whole-grain flour
    • Âœ tsp baking powder
    • Âœ oz baking soda
    • Âœ clove nutmeg
    • ⅔ cup raw sugar
    • ÂŒ cup banana scotch flavour
    • Âœ drop vegetable oil (for frying)
    • 2 eggs (small, for serving)
    • ⅔ cup Red rose food Colouring
    • whisk,mixing bowls,frying pan, scoop,

    mix all the dry ingredients first, the flour, sugar, nutmeg, baking powder, baking soda,then add the eggs gradually, then liquid milk, whisk till its fluffy and a bit thick in nature, then add the flavouring to give a nice scent.Add the Red rose or any food coloring of your choice then leave it to stand for five minutes. Then frying by using a scoop to measure the batter, light frying required.The have your eggs boiled Or fried. Then serve hot

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Red rose pancakes with boiled egg


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