No-bake dark chocolate tart

No-bake dark chocolate tart

Based on 10 ratings
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Ruby Goss

Ruby Goss

Food Editor at Kitchen Stories
"The ultimate dessert for chocolate lovers! Just a small slice does wonders. If you can’t find double cream, use heavy whipping cream instead."
Easy 👌
45 min
0 min
150 min


25 g
bittersweet chocolate, e.g. Ritter Sport Cocoa Selection from Ghana 55%
25 g
bittersweet chocolate, e.g. Ritter Sport Cocoa Selection from Peru 74%
12½ g
ground almonds
12½ g
butter cookies
31¼ ml
whole milk
31¼ ml
double cream
olive oil
flaky sea salt (for serving)


heatproof bowl, pot, frying pan, resealable freezer bag, rolling pin, bowl (large), rubber spatula, tart pan, cup, cutting board, knife, bowl (small), saucepan, whisk, immersion blender

Nutrition per serving

Fat24 g
Protein6 g
Carb27 g
  • Step 1/3

    Lightly toast ground almonds in a frying pan set over low heat. Break the milder bittersweet chocolate into small pieces and melt in a heatproof bowl set over a pot of simmering water.
    • 25 g bittersweet chocolate, e.g. Ritter Sport Cocoa Selection from Ghana 55%
    • 12½ g ground almonds
    • heatproof bowl
    • pot
    • frying pan

    Lightly toast ground almonds in a frying pan set over low heat. Break the milder bittersweet chocolate into small pieces and melt in a heatproof bowl set over a pot of simmering water.

  • Step 2/3

    Place butter cookies in a freezer bag, close, and beat with a rolling pin until crumbly. Add to a bowl along with the toasted ground almonds, melted chocolate, and salt and mix until well combined. Press dough into a tart pan, using a measuring cup to help you flatten out the base and create a smooth tart crust around the edge. Transfer to the refrigerator to chill for approx. 30 min.
    • 12½ g butter cookies
    • tsp salt
    • resealable freezer bag
    • rolling pin
    • bowl (large)
    • rubber spatula
    • tart pan
    • cup

    Place butter cookies in a freezer bag, close, and beat with a rolling pin until crumbly. Add to a bowl along with the toasted ground almonds, melted chocolate, and salt and mix until well combined. Press dough into a tart pan, using a measuring cup to help you flatten out the base and create a smooth tart crust around the edge. Transfer to the refrigerator to chill for approx. 30 min.

  • Step 3/3

    For the filling, finely chop the darker bittersweet chocolate. Whisk starch and a little of the milk together until dissolved. Add to a saucepan along with remaining milk, double cream, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, and salt. Whisk continuously over low heat until smooth and thick like custard. Remove from heat, add chopped chocolate, and blend until incorporated using an immersion blender. Add olive oil and blend again until completely smooth and the olive oil is fully incorporated. Pour mixture into the tart pan and refrigerate for approx. 2 hrs., or until set. Sprinkle with flaky sea salt before serving. Enjoy!
    • 25 g bittersweet chocolate, e.g. Ritter Sport Cocoa Selection from Peru 74%
    • g starch
    • 31¼ ml whole milk
    • 31¼ ml double cream
    • tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
    • tsp vanilla extract
    • tbsp olive oil
    • flaky sea salt (for serving)
    • cutting board
    • knife
    • bowl (small)
    • saucepan
    • whisk
    • immersion blender

    For the filling, finely chop the darker bittersweet chocolate. Whisk starch and a little of the milk together until dissolved. Add to a saucepan along with remaining milk, double cream, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, and salt. Whisk continuously over low heat until smooth and thick like custard. Remove from heat, add chopped chocolate, and blend until incorporated using an immersion blender. Add olive oil and blend again until completely smooth and the olive oil is fully incorporated. Pour mixture into the tart pan and refrigerate for approx. 2 hrs., or until set. Sprinkle with flaky sea salt before serving. Enjoy!

  • Enjoy your meal!

    No-bake dark chocolate tart

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