Mushroom and asparagus rad-risotto
wok, garlic press
Step 1/9
- ½ onions
- 1⅓ cloves garlic
- Pack of fresh sage
- ⅔ tbsp dried basil
- ⅓ Knob of a butter
- Salt and pepper
- wok
- garlic press
Dice onion, press garlic, roughly chop a handful of sage leaves. Add to a wok with dried basil, salt, pepper and knob of butter. Sweat on low-mid heat for 10 minutes.
Step 2/9
- 100 g Chestnut mushrooms
- 83⅓ g Asparagus
While sweating onions, roughly chop the mushrooms and asparagus
Step 3/9
Add chopped mushrooms and asparagus to wok and fry on medium heat for 5 minutes.
Step 4/9
- 153⅓ g Arborio rice
Add rice to wok and fry for 3 minutes on medium heat.
Step 5/9
- 60 ml white wine
Pour in white wine and simmer for 5 minutes.
Step 6/9
- 1 Vegetable stock cubes
While the wine simmers. Add 1500ml of boiling water to 3 stock cubes. Chop a bunch of sage.
Step 7/9
Add sage to the wok. Now add stock bit by bit for 25 minutes or until rice is soft and creamy . Let the rice absorb the stock before adding more.
Step 8/9
- 20 g Pecorino cheese
- ⅓ tbsp Worcestershire sauce
- ⅓ tbsp lemon juice
- ⅓ tsp ground nutmeg
Add Worcester sauce (I use a vegan version), nutmeg, lemon juice and pecorino. Stir into risotto and simmer on low heat for 2 minutes.
Step 9/9
Serve with a handful of rocket, sage leaves and shaved pecorino.
Enjoy your meal!