Mozaic Pasta
Strech film
Step 1/6
- ⅝ tbsp butter
First, you need to put your butter or oil in your braiser. And mix until it melt.
Step 2/6
- 41⅔ ml milk
- ⅔ tbsp Cacao
- ⅔ tbsp sugar
Put your milk, cacao and sugar over rhe oil and mix these ingredients until they were quiet smooth.
Step 3/6
- 10 g Bitter chocolate
And finally put your chocolates and mix again.
Step 4/6
Your biscuits have to be small enough to have perfect mozaic cake. After 20 mins later, when chocolate souce gets warm enough, put the all souce into the biscuits.
Step 5/6
- Strech film
Souce and biscuits have to mix perfectly. And put the mixture on the stretch film. Make a triangle or cylindrical shape with your hands. After that tie the head and end of the film.
Step 6/6
It is almost done. Your cake will be ready 2 or 3 hours later in fridge.
Enjoy your meal!