Matcha Strawberry Latte
1 pot, 1 heatproof bowl, 1 matcha whisk, highball glass
Step 1/3
- strawberry
- 40 g sugar
- 1 pot
Dice 50 g strawberries. Pour the rest of the whole strawberries and sugar in a pot. Use medium heat to simmer the ingredients and keep reduced the sauce till it becomes thicken. Then turn off the heat and add diced strawberry. Let sauce rest until cooled down.
Step 2/3
- 1 tbsp matcha powder
- 80 ml whole milk
- 20 ml simple syrup
- 1 heatproof bowl
- 1 matcha whisk
In a matcha ceremonial cup or a bowl, pour 80 ml warmed milk into matcha powder. Whisk well. Then add sugar syrup. Mix again until combined.
Step 3/3
- 200 g ice cubes
- highball glass
Pour 3-4 tbsp of strawberry sauce to each glass. Then add ice cubes, pour rest of the cold milk to the glass and top with the matcha mixture. Enjoy!