Matcha green tea white chocolate cookies

Matcha green tea white chocolate cookies

Based on 8 ratings
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Xueci Cheng

Xueci Cheng

Food Editor at Kitchen Stories
"I first tried the matcha green tea cookies recipe from blog Just One Cookbook a few years back, and they were popular at any dinner party. Inspired from the original recipe, my version combines two kinds of sugar to create a chewy texture. I prefer white chocolate bar instead of chocolate chips, because the irregular shape is more fun! I used a white chocolate bar with raspberry, you can also add some dried raspberries too!"
Easy 👌
30 min
15 min
30 min


12 g
6 g
4 g
light brown sugar
egg yolks
16 g


hand mixer with beaters, bowl (large), rubber spatula, fine sieve, cutting board, knife, plastic wrap, oven, baking sheet, parchment paper

  • Step 1/4

    • 12 g butter
    • 6 g sugar
    • 4 g light brown sugar
    • tsp salt
    • egg yolks
    • tsp vanilla extract
    • hand mixer with beaters
    • bowl (large)
    • rubber spatula

    In a big mixing bowl, add butter, sugar, brown sugar and salt. Beat with a hand mixer until thoroughly combined and lightened in color. Add the yolks and vanilla extract and mix until smooth.

  • Step 2/4

    • 16 g flour
    • g matcha powder
    • g white chocolate
    • fine sieve
    • cutting board
    • knife

    Sieve flour and matcha powder to a bowl. Then add flour-mixture gradually, and mix until the mixture just comes together, scraping the bottom and sides of the bowl as needed. Chop white chocolate, fold in the dough.

  • Step 3/4

    • plastic wrap

    Shape the dough into a log (about 5 cm diameter), wrap with a plastic wrap. Let refrigerate for 2 hours, or freeze for 30 min., until thoroughly chilled.

  • Step 4/4

    • oven
    • baking sheet
    • parchment paper

    Preheat oven to 175ºC / 350ºF. Cut the chilled cookie dough into 1 cm thick slices, bake on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, for 12-15 min. Let cool completely, enjoy!

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Matcha green tea white chocolate cookies



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