La focaccia
Community member
7 bowls, liquid measuring cup, baking pan
Step 1/16
- 111⅛ g Italian 00 flour
- bowl
Measure out your flour in the bowl on a scale
Step 2/16
- 2¼ g sugar
- bowl
Add sugar to the flour mixture
Step 3/16
- 48⅞ ml water
- liquid measuring cup
- bowl
Add the water to the flour mixture and mix in to create a dough
Step 4/16
- 1⅛ g yeast dough
- bowl
Measure out your yeast and add to the dough.
Step 5/16
Start kneading the dough
Step 6/16
- 8⅞ ml olive oil
- bowl
Put the dough back into the bowl and add your olive oil to the mixture
Step 7/16
- bowl
Add a little bit of flour into the dough and continue to knead the dough
Step 8/16
- 2⅔ g salt
Flatten the dough out and add salt to it
Step 9/16
Knead the dough until you get a nice circular shape, with a sticky but firm consistency
Step 10/16
- bowl
Add a tad bit of olive oil to soften the dough and let it rest in the bowl
Step 11/16
Wrap a towel around the bowl to help the rising of the yeast
Step 12/16
This is what the dough should look like, doubling in size
Step 13/16
- baking pan
Place the dough out in the pan and spread it until it fills all the corners, using your fingers to create small indentations in the dough. The larger the tray, the thinner the focaccia will become
Step 14/16
Once filled in, fill in all the little finger indentations with olive oil and sprinkle with salt (Rosemary can be used too)
Step 15/16
The focaccia goes into the oven at 220 degree’s celsius for 20 minutes.
Step 16/16
Final product!
Enjoy your meal!