Gooey White Chocolate and Strawberry Cookies
Step 1/4
- 18¾ g self-raising flour
- 18¾ g softened butter (unsalted)
- ⅛ Egg
- 14⅝ g light brown sugar
- ⅛ tsp salt
Preheat the oven to 190°C/Gas 5/375°F. Grease and line two-three large baking sheets. Beat the egg, sugar and softened butter in a large mixing bowl until fluffy, then add the flour and salt and mix through until a nice dough is formed.
Step 2/4
- 8⅓ g white chocolate
- 16⅔ g strawberries
Chop the strawberries and white chocolate into roughly 1cm chunks and add to the dough. Mix through until evenly distributed.
Step 3/4
Spoon the mixture onto the baking sheets in small tangerine-size blobs, making sure you leave enough room between them for the cookies to expand. This mixture should give you enough for 24 cookies. Place in the preheated oven for 11-12 mins, until slightly golden but still soft. Once done, transfer onto a wire rack and leave to cool.
Step 4/4
Enjoy with a cup of tea! (But perhaps not all in one go...)
Enjoy your meal!