Creamy kohlrabi with nutmeg

Creamy kohlrabi with nutmeg

Based on 10 ratings
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Xueci Cheng

Xueci Cheng

Food Editor at Kitchen Stories
"This is an adapted version of the classic German recipe for creamed kohlrabi or 'cremiges Kohlrabigemüse'. Feel free to use herbs such as chives, parsley or tarragon to elevate the flavor. Carrots can be a great addition for extra color and crunch!"
Easy 👌
30 min
0 min
0 min


½ tbsp


cutting board, knife, frying pan, cooking spoon

Nutrition per serving

Fat7 g
Protein2 g
Carb7 g
  • Step 1/3

    Peel the kohlrabi, remove any woody parts and cut into strips. Reserve some of the fresh leaves and finely chop them for garnish later. Finely chop onion.
    • 1 kohlrabi
    • ¼ onion
    • cutting board
    • knife

    Peel the kohlrabi, remove any woody parts and cut into strips. Reserve some of the fresh leaves and finely chop them for garnish later. Finely chop onion.

  • Step 2/3

    In a frying pan, melt butter. Add onion and fry until translucent. Then add kohlrabi strips, fry for approx 2–3 min. Season with salt, pepper and freshly ground nutmeg to taste.
    • ½ tbsp butter
    • salt
    • pepper
    • nutmeg (ground)
    • frying pan
    • cooking spoon

    In a frying pan, melt butter. Add onion and fry until translucent. Then add kohlrabi strips, fry for approx 2–3 min. Season with salt, pepper and freshly ground nutmeg to taste.

  • Step 3/3

    Deglaze with vegetable broth and let cook for approx. 15 min. covered, over medium heat until the kohlrabi is soft and the sauce is reduced. Remove from heat, stir in crème fraîche and season with salt again. Finish with lemon juice and garnish with chopped kohlrabi greens and some lemon zest if desired.
    • 62½ ml vegetable broth
    • 37½ g crème fraîche
    • salt
    • lemon (for serving)

    Deglaze with vegetable broth and let cook for approx. 15 min. covered, over medium heat until the kohlrabi is soft and the sauce is reduced. Remove from heat, stir in crème fraîche and season with salt again. Finish with lemon juice and garnish with chopped kohlrabi greens and some lemon zest if desired.

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Creamy kohlrabi with nutmeg

How-To Videos

See all

How to grate nutmeg


How to cut an onion


How to deglaze



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