Argentine style homemade bread
Step 1/12
- 2 lbs flour
- 5 tsp active dry yeast
- 3 tsp salt
- bowl
Put the flower, the salt and the olive oil in a bowl, mix slowly.
Step 2/12
- 1 oz active dry yeast
- 1 cup water
Put the yeast in a cup with warm water and a tea spoon of sugar, mix and add to the bowl
Step 3/12
- 1 tsp oregano
- 1 tsp Red pepper
- 1 tsp black peppercorn
- 4 tsp garlic
Put water in a cup and add the oregano, red pepper, a little bit of garlic a little bit of black pepper mix and add to the bowl.
Step 4/12
- 1 tsp rosemary
Add the rosemary and Slowly knead to a smooth dough - 10 minutes.
Step 5/12
Once the dough is smooth let it destroy for 45 minutes. The volume of the dough should be twice after 45 minutes.
Step 6/12
After 45 minutes we should knead the dough again for 2 minutes.
Step 7/12
The dough should be ready to be cooked. Cut in little pieces and give the shape you want.
Step 8/12
Time to cook the bread ! I cook the bread on the grill, slow very slow for 45 minutes.
Step 9/12
Put aluminum foil with some butter underneath the dough and Cook for 45 minutes.
Step 10/12
Put an oven dish on top of the dough and put some charcoal/embers on top so the bread will cook on both sides. Always check the bread so it does not get burned. Before you put the dish, “paint” the bread with garlic and olive oil.
Step 11/12
Bread in process
Step 12/12
Enjoy !!!
Enjoy your meal!