Almond Peach Oat Muffins
Community member
knife, oven, muffin tin, 12 muffin liners, muffin tin (mini), 10 muffin liners (mini), 2 bowls (small), 1 bowl, whisk, 1 bowl (large), hand mixer with beaters, liquid measuring cup, rubber spatula, toothpick, wire rack
Step 1/7
- ⅜ peaches
- knife
- oven
- muffin tin
- 12 muffin liners
- muffin tin (mini)
- 10 muffin liners (mini)
Core and dice the peaches; you should have about 1 1/2 cups of cubed peaches. Set aside. Heat the oven to 190 C. Prepare a 12 cup muffin tray and 8-10 cups of a mini muffin tray by adding a paper liner inside each cup.
Step 2/7
- ½ tbsp chopped almonds
- 5 g rolled oats
- 25 g flour
- 1¼ g wheat bran
- ⅛ tsp baking powder
- ⅛ tsp salt
- 18¾ g sugar
- 2 bowls (small)
- 1 bowl
- whisk
In a small bowl mix half of the chopped almonds with 2 tbsp of rolled oats. In another small bowl reserve 1-2 tbsp of sugar. Set both aside. In a medium bowl whisk the remaining oats and almonds with flour, wheat bran, salt and baking powder.
Step 3/7
- 6¼ g butter
- 3⅛ g oil
- ⅛ egg
- ⅛ tsp almond extract
- ⅛ tsp almond extract
- 1 bowl (large)
- hand mixer with beaters
Add the butter, oil, remaining sugar and a few drops of milk in a large bowl and beat until pale and creamed. Add the egg followed by vanilla and almond extract, continue beating until the mixture is getting a bit thick.
Step 4/7
- 9⅜ ml milk
- ⅛ tsp vinegar
- 9⅜ ml cream
- liquid measuring cup
- rubber spatula
In a measuring cup, add the vinegar and milk, let stand for 5 min. Add the flour mixture alternating with buttermilk and cream into the batter in batches, folding until just combined, a few clumps of flour is totally acceptable here.
Step 5/7
- 6¼ g semi-sweet chocolate chip (optional)
Spoon three quarter of the batter into the prepared 12 muffin cases, about a tbsp and half for each one. Add chocolate chips, if using, into the remaining batter. Carefully fill the mini muffin cases with the chocolate-batter, about a tsp and half for each.
Step 6/7
- toothpick
Sprinkle the 12 muffins with almond-oat mixture, then sprinkle all of them with the reserved sugar. Bake for 20-25 min. until all the top of mini muffins are golden brown and a toothpick inserted into their center, comes out clean. Remove them from the oven, continue baking the rest for 5-10 min. until the tops are golden and the toothpick checking works for them as well.
Step 7/7
- wire rack
Cool briefly on a wire rack. Enjoy as a simple breakfast or a light evening treat!
Enjoy your meal!