Spicy Guacamole
Step 1/5
- 1 tomatoes
- ½ onion
- ¼ green bell pepper
- ½ chilli pepper
- cilantro
Finely chop the onion, green pepper, tomatoes, cilantro and chili pepper.
Step 2/5
- 1½ avocados
Cut the avacodos in half to remove the seed and scrape out into a bowl.
Step 3/5
Smash the avcados into the bowl using a fork or a masher.
Step 4/5
Add in the onion, green pepper, chili pepper and tomatoes to the smashed avacados.
Step 5/5
- ¼ lime
- ½ pinch salt
- ½ pinch pepper
Squeeze in half a lime and add 1/4 tsp of salt and pepper as well as some chopped corriander. Mix well and serve.
Enjoy your meal!