Salt & Chilli Chicken & Chips

Salt & Chilli Chicken & Chips

Based on 3 ratings
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Ewen Kennedy

Ewen Kennedy

Community member

"I decided to try and make my own version rather than order in another takeaway, this is a combination of recipes that we have tried and adapted to, in our opinion, a dish that is much better than your local takeaway does. Maybe it's the simple fact you did it yourself that makes it that way. Enjoy! 🤙"
Easy 👌
20 min
30 min
0 min


green bell pepper
red bell pepper
40 g
40 g
½ tsp
baking powder
egg whites
15 ml
rice wine
½ tbsp
vegetable oil
½ tbsp
Âź tbsp
caster sugar
Âź tsp
Chinese five-spice powder
⅛ tsp
ground ginger
Âź tsp
garlic powder
⅛ tsp
white pepper



  • Step 1/10

    • 250 g potatoes
    • colander

    YOU CAN JUST USE OVEN CHIPS. But I prefer to make homemade chips from the potatoes, any size will do, just go with your heart. I prefer to leave the skin on however peel away if you like. After this stage I would dry them off so they don't go soggy when cooking. To make the chips I par boil them for about 8 minutes depending on their size, then drain them and toss with a pinch of flour like you would if making roasties. Put them to the side as you will cook them along with the chicken.

  • Step 2/10

    • ½ tbsp salt
    • Âź tbsp caster sugar
    • Âź tsp Chinese five-spice powder
    • 1 tsp chili flakes
    • ⅛ tsp ground ginger
    • Âź tsp garlic powder
    • ⅛ tsp white pepper

    Now to make the spice mix. Mix all the ingredients together (if making ahead of time place in a sealed container) and put to the side. Half of this mix will be used for the chips and the other half will be used for the chicken.

  • Step 3/10

    • 200 g chicken breasts
    • 1 egg whites

    Marinading the chicken. Add half of the spice mix into the egg whites and combine them well. Once this has been done put the chicken in a large bowl and add the new egg mix in and stir well making sure you have thoroughly coated the chicken (This could be done in a sealable food bag if you prefer). Leave this mix to marinade in the fridge for about 45 minutes.

  • Step 4/10

    • 40 g flour
    • 40 g cornflour
    • ½ tsp baking powder

    Pre-heat your oven to 200c. Take your chicken out of the fridge. Line a large baking tray with greaseproof paper. Mix the Flour, Cornflour & Baking Powder in a bowl. Take a few bits of the diced chicken at a time & coat them in the Flour mix making sure they are coated well. They can be cooked in a fryer however I prefer to bake them in the oven. Place the coated chicken on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper (trying not to have them touching as they may stick together).

  • Step 5/10

    Time to cook your chicken & your chips. If using frozen oven chips follow the instructions on the bag. If making home made chips place them in the oven and cook for about 20 minutes depending on size, just keep an eye on them and turn them once. Place the chicken in the oven aswell (you will want to cook these for 20 minutes also) and make sure you turn them once half way through.

  • Step 6/10

    • ½ onion
    • ½ green bell pepper
    • Âź red bell pepper
    • 1 chillies
    • 15 ml rice wine
    • ½ tbsp vegetable oil

    Chop up your Onion, chop up your Peppers & Chop up your Chillies. It doesnt matter how you chop them up just chop them, if you like a bit more of a bite chop them slightly larger. Put these into to a bowl and stir well to mix. You will use half of this with the chips and the other half with the chicken later on.

  • Step 7/10

    Time to make the Salt and Chilli Chips. Add 15ml of vegetable oil to a wok on high heat. Once it is hot enough add half of the onion, peppers and chilli mix you just made. Stir fry this for 3 minutes. Then pour in 15ml of soy sauce and let it cook for 2 minutes constantly stirring. Finally add the chips to the wok and pour over half of whats left of the Seasoning mix you made at the start and stir well making sure everything is fully coated.

  • Step 8/10

    Take the chicken out of the oven and make sure that it has cooked thoroughly. Turn the oven down low and put the Salt & Chilli Chips back into the oven to keep warm.

  • Step 9/10

    • 15 ml soy sauce

    Time to make the Salt and Chilli Chicken. Add 15ml of vegetable oil to a wok on high heat. Once it is hot enough add the rest of the onion, peppers and chilli mix. Stir fry this for 3 minutes. Then pour in 15ml soy sauce and let it cook for a few minutes constantly stirring. Finally add the chicken to the wok and pour over whatever Seasoning mix you have left and stir well making sure everything is coated.

  • Step 10/10

    Done. Time to plate up. We prefer to cook the chicken and the chips separately however if you have a wok big enough you could just cook it all together in one big wok. Enjoy 🤙

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Salt & Chilli Chicken & Chips



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