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4 Tips for Better Pork Chops

4 Tips for Better Pork Chops

Check out these essential tips for cooking perfect pork chops.

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No matter what time of the year it is, pork chops are always a crowd-pleaser. As versatile as they are delicious, pork chops can be baked, roasted, grilled, fried, or stuffed. Do yourself the favor of a lifetime and add a few recipes to your cooking repertoire today.
Here are a few simple tips to help you cook the perfect pork chop every time:
• Brine your chops! This helps the pork to retain a lot of moisture and couldn’t be easier. Simply add 4 tbsp of salt to 4 cups/1 liter of water. Place the chops in the brine and let them sit between 30 min. and 1 hr. Before cooking, remove from brine and dry completely.
• Leave the bone in! This will slow the cooking time and allow for a more evenly cooked pork chop.
• Don’t trim the fat! Especially when pan frying, the fat will render in the pan and make for a beautiful, crisp skin.
• Think pink! Cook your chops to the minimum recommended temperature of 60°C/145°F. There are few pleasures in life better than a medium-rare pork chop.
Check out the following crowd pleasing pork chop recipes from Kitchen Stories, as well as our How To video on how to prepare them perfectly every time!

Barbecue pork chops

Barbecue pork chops

While it sure does boast an extensive list of tasty ingredients, including black beer, cider, apricots and walnuts, this pork chop recipe is actually not that hard to recreate.

Pork chops with corn salad

Pork chops with corn salad

How to prepare pork chops

How to prepare pork chops

  • 00:54 min.

Be sure to keep an eye out in the future for more delicious pork chop recipes! Happy cooking!

Published on December 1, 2015

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